Enron Ascending: The Forgotten Years, 1984-1996 December 14, 2018 Robert L. Bradley Jr. Leave a comment Enron Ascending: The Forgotten Years, 1984-1996 Internet Appendices Chapter 1: The New Houston Natural Gas 1.1 Linda Herrold Lay 1.2 Mandatory Open Access for Interstate Gas Pipelines 1.3 Ken Lay’s New Team 1.4 John M. ‘Mick’ Seidl 1.5 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) 1.6 InterNorth and Interstate Pipeline Deregulation References for Chapter 1 Appendix Chapter 2: HNG/InterNorth 2.1 Regulatory Delay under the Natural Gas Act 2.2 HNG/InterNorth: Joint Ventures, Miscellaneous Assets, and Sales 2.3 The Nationalization of Belco Peru: A Personal Recollection 2.4 The Suppressed History of InterNorth 2.5 Transwestern Pipeline: “Enron’s Laboratory” amid Regulatory Change References for Chapter 2 Appendix Chapter 3: Foundations: (1986-87) 3.1 Houston Headquarters 3.2 Tenaska: Escape from Enron 3.3 Letters from Ken Lay to T. Boone Pickens 3.4 Fuel Use Act, Incremental Pricing, and Gas Demand 3.5 Rise of Gas Marketing 3.6 ‘Market Conforming’ Intervention: Free Market or Not? References for Chapter 3 Appendix Chapter 4: Crisis at Enron Oil Corporation 4.1 Valhalla Redux References for Chapter 4 Appendix Chapter 5: Recovery, 1988-89 5.1 Letters from Ken Lay to T. Boone Pickens 5.2 Fuel Use Act, Incremental Pricing, and Gas Demand 5.3 Rise of Gas Marketing 5.4 ‘Market Conforming’ Intervention: Free Market or Not? References for Chapter 5 Appendix Chapter 6: Natural Gas Majoring, 1990-93 6.1 Natural Gas Visions at Enron 6.2 Mandatory Open-Access Orders: 1985-92 6.3 Other Federal Natural Gas Regulation 6.4 Incentive Regulation and Enron: 1989-92 6.5 Mandatory Open Access Reconsidered 6.6 TGS Argentina’s Privatization 6.7 International Starts, Not Finishes 6.8 The Tights-Sands Gas Tax Credit of 1990 6.9 Reformulated Gasoline and the Clean Air Act of 1990 References for Chapter 6 Appendix Chapter 7: Political Lay 7.1 PCSD and Sustainable Development References for Chapter 7 Appendix Chapter 9: Expanding Gas Marketing: 1992-93 9.1 EGTT Cost-of-Gas Pricing Act Chapter 10: The Steady Side (1994-96) 10.1 Competition: Real World vs. Theoretical 10.2 Enron Memos on Natural Gas Transmission Deregulation References for Chapter 10 Appendix Chapter 13: Alternative Energies 13.1 Sustainable Development: Two Views References for Chapter 13 Appendix Uncategorized